Legal Notices

Anti-money laundering laws

Under anti-money laundering laws, we may need formal evidence of your identity before we can act and may also conduct checks using external electronic databases for this purpose. We must also report suspicions of money laundering activity to the relevant external authorities. We may have to stop work on a matter and may not be allowed to tell you if we make such a report. We will not be liable to you for the consequences of any such report made in good faith.

Financial Services

LawBEAM does not conduct activities which require it to be authorised by an authority which regulates financial services. We are retained only to provide legal advice. Nothing we say or do should be construed as an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activities, or as advise on the investment merits or acquiring or disposing of particular investments.

Legal Services

LawBEAM is registered with the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority with SRA number 836340 and is permitted to provide unreserved legal services in England and Wales under the Legal Services Act 2007.  LawBEAM is not authorised and regulated by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority to provide reserved legal services and therefore our services are limited to unreserved legal services. Reserved legal services, such as conducting litigation, employment-related claims, and conveyancing matters, are not matters we advise on.

LawBEAM works with or may recommend firms or third party providers to handle reserved matters (such as litigation) if necessary for your matter.

Firms regulated by the SRA are required to have compulsory professional indemnity insurance which LawBEAM is not mandated to do. Further details on LawBEAM’s professional indemnity insurance arrangements are set out below.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

LawBEAM has in place professional indemnity insurance providing cover for claims against us as more fully described in our policies of insurance. Details of this insurance, including contract details and territorial coverage of the insurance can be provided on request.

Data protection

We are likely to collect, create, store and share personal information in the course of our work for you. We will also process personal data (a) to meet our legal and regulatory obligations, (b) in pursuing our legal rights, and (c) for administrative, financial, risk management and client relationship purposes. Further information on the personal data that we process in the course of or in connection with the provision of legal services is provided in our privacy policy.  


Links to third party websites in this communication are not monitored or maintained by LawBEAM. We accept no responsibility for any damage or loss you may suffer arising out of or in connection with access to these websites, or use of third party providers’ products or services.

The use of the term partner in our communications is used to refer to a member or director of LawBEAM or, in either case, an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or an individual with equivalent status.


We are confident of providing a superior service to you in all respects. We encourage you to maintain open and honest communication with the lawyers responsible for your work and to raise any questions or concerns you may have at any time.

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service please tell us as soon as possible. If you wish to discuss a complaint please contact

Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may contact the Legal Ombudsman at or write to: Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ.

legal notices

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